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  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D.; 2004 Effects of the yaw angle on the aerodynamic behaviour of the Messina multi-box girder deck section. Wind and Structures, An International Journal; vol. 7, 41-54. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D.; 2004 Forced motion and free motion aeroelastic tests on a new concept dynamometric section model of the Messina suspension bridge. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 92, 441-462. RA Mecc
  • Bocciolone, M., Resta, F., Rocchi, D., Tosi, A., Collina, A.; 2006 Pantograph aerodynamic effects on the pantograph-catenary interaction. Vehicle System Dynamics; vol. 44, 560-570. EU Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Belforte, P., Melzi, S., Sabbioni, E., Tomasini, G.; 2006 Numerical-experimental approach for evaluating cross wind aerodynamic effects on heavy vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 44(1) Supplement, 791-804. RB Mecc
  • Bruni, S., Cheli, F., Sabbioni, E., Tomasini, G.; 2006 Studio sperimentale delle caratteristiche aerodinamiche di veicoli stradali pesanti. Proc. of IX Congresso Nazionale di Ingegneria del Vento (IN-VENTO 2006); 123-134. PRIN Mecc
  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D.; 2006 On the vortex shedding forcing on suspension bridge deck. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 94, 341-363. RA Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Corradi, R., Rocchi, D., Sabbioni, E., Tomasini, G.; 2007 Safety investigation on rail and road vehicles exposed to cross-wind: Wind tunnel tests and multi-body simulations. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences; vol.58, 59-70. RB Mecc
  • Fossati, F., Martina, F., Rocchi, D., Sala, R., Basso, A.; 2008 A multicamera displacement measuring system for boundary layer wind tunnel tests. Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, VIIP 2008; 1-8. RA Mecc
  • Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S.; 2008 Pressure field analysis on oscillating circular cylinder.  Journal of Fluids and Structures; vol. 24, 628-650. RB Mecc
  • Zasso, A., Rocchi, D., Schito, P.; 2009 Experimental and numerical study of the flow around a low rise building. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings; 1-9. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Giappino, S.; 2009 Wind tunnel investigation on wake effects of a wind turbine. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings; 1-4. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Sabbioni, E., Giappino, S., Collina, A.; 2009 Wind tunnel tests on the roof of the new Turin stadium. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings; 1-8. RA Mecc
  • Fossati, F., Sala, R., Basso, A., Galimberti, M., Rocchi, D.; 2009 A multicamera displacement measurement system for wind engineering testing. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings; 1-10. RA Mecc
  • Muggiasca, S., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D., Zasso, A.; 2009 Numerical and experimental investigation on a maritime radar scanner. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment; 313-322. Mecc RA
  • Cheli F., Corradi R., Sabbioni E., Tomasini G.; 2009 Wind tunnel tests on heavy road vehicles: cross wind induced loads.  Proc. of EUROMECH Colloquium 509, Berlin, Germany, March; 24-26, 1-9. EU Mecc
  • Malavasi, S., Corretto, R., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S.; 2009 Wake visualization and pressure field analysis on an oscillating cylinder. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings; 1-10. RB Mecc
  • Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Muggiasca, S.; 2009 Wind tunnel study on the Pescara footbridge. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings; 1-7. RA Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D., Tomasini, G.; 2010 Aerodynamic behaviour investigation of the new EMUV250 train to cross wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 98, 189-201. RA Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Corradi, R., Rocchi, D., Tomasini, G., Maestrini, E.;  2010 Wind tunnel tests on train scale models to investigate the effect of infrastructure scenario. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 98, 353-362. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., Muggiasca, S.; 2010 Aerodynamic instability of a bridge deck section model: Linear and nonlinear approach to force modeling. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol.98, 363-374. RB Mecc
  • Sterling M., Quinn A.D., Baker C.J. Hargreves D.M., Cheli F., Sabbioni E., Tomasini G., Delaunay. D and Morvan H.; 2010 A comparison of different methods to evaluate the wind induced forces on a high sided lorry. Journal Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 98(1), 10-20. EU Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Melzi, S., Negrini, S., Squicciarini, G.; 2010 Numerical analysis of the dynamic response of a 5-conductor expanded bundle subjected to turbulent wind. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery; vol. 25, 3105-3112. RB Mecc
  • Diana, G., Belloli, M., Manenti, A., Muggiasca, S., Guglielmini, S., Bousseau, P.; 2010 Impact of turbulence on vortex induced vibrations and fatigue of conductors: Modelling and real span experimentation. 43rd International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2010, CIGRE; vol. 2010, 1-11. RB Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Ozkan, E., Rocchi, D., Rosa, L., Zasso, A.; 2011 Cross-wind effects on a vehicle crossing the wake of a bridge pylon. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 99, 734-740. RA Mecc
  • Cheli F., Corradi R., Sabbioni E., Tomasini G.; 2011 Wind tunnel tests on heavy road vehicles: cross wind induced loads-Part 1. Journal Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 99(10), 1000-1010. EU Mecc
  • Cheli F., Ripamonti F., Sabbioni E., Tomasini G.; 2011 Wind tunnel tests on heavy road vehicles: cross wind induced loads-Part 2. Journal Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 99(10), 1011-1024. EU Mecc
  • Rocchi D., Rosa L., Sabbioni E., Sbrosi M.; 2011 A numerical-experimental approach for simulating the aerodynamic forces acting on a moving vehicle passing through the wake of a bridge tower. Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE) Conference, Amsterdam, NL, July; 10-15, 01-08. RB Mecc
  • Muggiasca S., Rocchi D., Sabbioni E., Saggin B., De Lorenzi S., Mian S., Marchiori G.; 2011 Wind tunnel aerodynamic study of E-ELT dome.  Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering (ICWE) Conference, Amsterdam, NL, July; 10-15, 01-08. RA Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Fossati, F., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., Villani, M.; 2011 On the aerodynamic and aeroelastic response of a bridge tower.  Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 99, 729-733. RA Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Rocchi, D., Muggiasca, S., Zasso, A.; 2012 Cross-sectional distributions versus integrated coefficients of flutter derivatives and aerodynamic admittances identified with surface pressure measurement. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; 104-106, 152-158. RB Mecc
  • Sabbioni E., Sbrosi M., Rocchi D., Galeotti R.; 2012 Dynamic Response of Vehicle-Driver Couple to the Aerodynamic Loads due to the Crossing of a Bridge Tower Wake. SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles; vol.5 (1), 1-11. RB Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., Zasso, A.; 2012 Force and wake analysis on a single circular cylinder subjected to vortex induced vibrations at high mass ratio and high Reynolds number. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 103, 96-106. RB Mecc
  • Rocchi, D., Rosa, L., Sabbioni, E., Sbrosi, M., Belloli, M.; 2012 A numerical-experimental methodology for simulating the aerodynamic forces acting on a moving vehicle passing through the wake of a bridge tower under cross wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; 104-106, 256-265. RA Mecc
  • Dorigatti, F., Sterling, M., Rocchi, D., Belloli, M., Quinn, A.D., Baker, C.J., Ozkan, E.; 2012 Wind tunnel measurements of crosswind loads on high sided vehicles over long span bridges. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; 107-108, 214-224. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T.; 2013 An experimental validation of a band superposition model of the aerodynamic forces acting on multi-box deck sections. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 113, 40-58. RB Mecc
  • Cazzulani, G., Balduzzi, T., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D.; 2013 Active damping for wind-tunnel aeroelastic models of large civil structures.  Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; 1-8. RB Mecc
  • Diana, G.. Yamasaki, Y, Larsen, A., Rocchi, D., Giappino, S., Argentini, T., Pagani, A., Villani, M., Somaschini, C., Portentoso, M.; 2013 Construction stages of the long span suspension Izmit Bay Bridge: Wind tunnel test assessment. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS; vol. 123, 300-310. RA Mecc
  • Rocchi, D., Balduzzi, T., Cazzulani, G., Argentini, T.; 2013 Active damping devices for aeroelastic models. Proceedings of the 2013 European and African Conference on Wind Engineering; 1-7. RB Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T.; 2013 An experimental validation of a band superposition model of the aerodynamic forces acting on multi-box deck sections. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS; vol. 113, 40-58. RB Mecc
  • Cazzulani, G., Balduzzi, T., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D.; 2013 Active damping for wind-tunnel aeroelastic models of large civil structures. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS OF SMART STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGIES; vol. 2013, 1-8. RB Mecc
  • Bayati, I., Belloli, M., Facchinetti, A.; 2013 Wind tunnel tests on floating offshore wind turbines: A proposal for hardware-in-the-loop approach. European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, EWEC; vol. 2013, 1-8. PRIN Mecc
  • Fossati, F., Robustelli, F., Belloli, M., Bertorello, C., Dellepiane, S.; 2013 Experimental assessment of mega-yacht aerodynamic performances and characteristics. RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Design and Construction of Super and Mega Yachts; 1-9. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Fiammenghi, G., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D.; 2013 Wind tunnel tests and numerical approach for long span bridges: The Messina bridge. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 122, 38-49. RA Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Khazem, D., Rosa, L., Zasso, A.; 2013 Wind tunnel study on the towers of the First Bosphorus Bridge. 12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering 2013, ACWE 2013: Wind Effects on Structures, Communities, and Energy Generation; 1-9. RA Mecc
  • Bayati, I., Belloli, M., Facchinetti, A., Giappino, S.; 2013 Wind tunnel tests on floating offshore wind turbines: A proposal for hardware-in-the-loop approach to validate numerical codes. Wind Engineering; vol. 37, 557-568. PRIN Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Fossati, F., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S.; 2013 Vortex induced vibrations of a bridge deck: Dynamic response and surface pressure distribution. 12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering 2013, ACWE 2013: Wind Effects on Structures, Communities, and Energy Generation; 1-9. RA Mecc
  • F. Cheli; S. Giappino; L. Rosa; G. Tomasini; M. Villani; 2013 Experimental study on the aerodynamic forces on railway vehicles in presence of turbulence. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS. RA Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Rocchi, D., Zasso, A.; 2014 Investigation of vortex-induced vibrations of the Ewijk Bridge during different stages of refurbishment.  IN-VENTO 2014: XIII Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering; 1-8. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T.;  2014 Buffeting response of the Izmit Bay bridge: numerical and experimental results. Proceedings of the Istanbul Bridge Conference; vol. 2014, 1-11. RA Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Diana, G., Portentoso, M., Rocchi, D.; 2014 Nonlinear buffeting response of bridge deck using the Band Superposition approach: comparison between rheological models and convolution integrals. Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering; 284-291. RB Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Giappino, S., Rocchi, D., Tomasini, G.; 2014 Cross wind and rollover risk on lightweight railway vehicles. IN-VENTO 2014 XIII Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering; 1-8. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Manenti, A., Mazzola, L., Muggiasca, S., Zuin, A.; 2014 Wind tunnel tests on two cylinders to measure subspan oscillation aerodynamic forces. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery; vol. 29, 1273-1283. RB Mecc
  • Diana, G., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Manenti, A., Mazzola, L., Muggiasca, S., Zuin, A.; 2014 A numerical approach to reproduce subspan oscillations and comparison with experimental data. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery; vol. 29, 1311-1317. RB Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Cheli, F., Bayati, I., Giappino, S., Robustelli, F.; 2014 Handbike aerodynamics: Wind tunnel versus track tests. Procedia Engineering; 750-755. RB Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Rosa, L., Zasso, A.; 2014 Wind loads and vortex shedding analysis on the effects of the porosity on a high slender tower. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 126, 75-86. RA Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Rosa, L., Zasso, A.; 2014 Wind loads on a high slender tower: Numerical and experimental comparison. Engineering Structures; vol. 68, 24-32. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Belloli, M.; 2014 Wind tunnel: a fundamental tool for long-span bridge design. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering; vol. 11, 533-555. RB Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Fossati, F., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S.. 2014 Vortex induced vibrations of a bridge deck: Dynamic response and surface pressure distribution. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol.133, 160-168. RA Mecc
  • G. Tomasini; S. Giappino; R. Corradi; 2014 Experimental investigation of the effects of embankment scenario on railway vehicle aerodynamic coefficients. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS; vol. 131, 59-71. RB Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Giappino, S., Tomasini, G., Villani, M. Zanetti G.. 2014 Aerodynamic Loads on Lightweight Railway Vehicles for the Evaluation of Rollover Risk. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance; 1-11. RA Mecc 10.4203/ccp.104.30
  • Cheli, F.; Schito, P.; Tomasini, G.. 2014 Numerical investigation of the effects of embankment scenario on railway vehicle aerodynamic coefficients. Proceedings of CWE2014, Hamburg (Germany), June 2014; 1-8. RB Mecc
  • Giappino, S.; Melzi, S.; Tomasini, G.; Villani, M.. 2014 Experimental study on the effect of crosswind on a container train with different load configurations. Civil-Comp Proceedings; 1-14. PRIN Mecc
  • Di Gialleonardo, E.; Melzi, S.; Tomasini, G. 2014 Crosswind effect on “high-speed” freight wagons.  Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomalies; 173-183. PRIN Mecc
  • Duff, S., Fossati, F., Claughton, A., Krzymowski, W., Anderson, T.. 2015 The evolution of design: SALTS' new sail training schooner project. Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers; 1-23. RB Mecc
  • Peri, D., Parolini, N., Fossati, F.. 2015 Multidisciplinary design optimization of a sailplan.  MARINE 2015 - Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VI; 177-187. RB Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Morganti, S., Muggiasca, S., Zasso, A.. 2015 Vortex induced vibrations at high Reynolds numbers on circular cylinders.  Ocean Engineering; vol. 94, 140-154. RB Mecc
  • Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., Sbrosi, M.. 2015 Pressure distribution and global forces on a bridge deck section: Experimental and CFD analysis of static aerodynamic forces. Journal of Bridge Engineering; online, 4014097. RB Mecc
  • Premoli, A., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Somaschini, C., Tomasini, G.. 2015 Ballast flight under high-speed trains: Wind tunnel full-scale experimental tests. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol. 145, 351-361. RA Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Belloli, M.. 2015 Wind tunnel: a fundamental tool for long-span bridge design. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering; vol.11, 533-555. RB Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Rocchi, D., Zasso, A.. 2015 Aerodynamic interference and vortex-induced vibrations on parallel bridges: The Ewijk bridge during different stages of refurbishment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol.147, 276-282. RA Mecc
  • Belloli, M., Bernini, L., Rocchi, D., Rosa, L., Zasso, A.. 2015 Wind tunnel tests on a large canopy roof of innovative construction.  Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering; 1-10. RA Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Somaschini, C.. 2015 Experimental investigation of low-frequency turbulence effects on the aeroelastic response of model-scale long span bridge. Proccedings of the 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering; 1-11. RB Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T.. 2015 Buffeting response of long span bridges: numerical-experimental validation of fluid-structure interaction models. IABSE CONFERENCE GENEVA, 2015 Structural Engineering: Providing Solutions to Global Challenges REPORT; 2141-2148. RB Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Diana, G., Belloli, M., Muggiasca, S., Giappino, S., Barucic, M., Groenendijk, M.. 2015 Wind induced vibrations on large observation wheels. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Wind Engineering; 1-11. Mecc
  • Di Gialleonardo, E.; Melzi, S.; Tomasini, G.; Resta, F.. 2015 Experimental-numerical evaluation of crosswind effect on high-speed freight train and its payload. Proceedings of the 24th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD; vol. 2015, 1221-1230. PRIN Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Somaschini, C.. 2016 A case-study of double multi-modal bridge flutter: Experimental result and numerical analysis. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol.151, 25-36. RB Mecc
  • Giappino, S., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Tomasini, G.. 2016 Cross wind and rollover risk on lightweight railway vehicles.  Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics; vol.153, 106-112. RA Mecc
  • Carnevale, M., Facchinetti, A., Maggiori, L., Rocchi, D.. 2016 Computational fluid dynamics as a means of assessing the influence of aerodynamic forces on the mean contact force acting on a pantograph.  Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers. part f, journal of rail and rapid transit; vol. 230, 1698-1713. RB Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Mariano, L., Rocchi, D., Schito, P, Tomasini, G.. 2016 Evaluation of the cross wind velocity through pressure measurements on train surface. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics; 143-158. RB Mecc
  • Carnevale, M., Facchinetti, A., Rocchi, D.. 2016 Assessing Aerodynamic Effects on a Railway Pantograph by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance; 1-15. RB Mecc
  • Carnevale, M., Facchinetti, A., Rocchi, D.. 2016 Evaluation of aerodynamic effects on pantograph contact force by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Railway Research WCRR2016; 1-6. RB Mecc
  • Rocchi, D., Tomasini, G., Schito, P., Somaschini, C., Testa, M., Cerullo, M., Arcoleo, G.. 2016 Ballast lifting: a challenge in the increase of the commercial speed of hs-trains. Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Railway Research; 1-6. RA Mecc
  • Hemida, H., Rocchi, D., Quinn, A., Tomasini, G..  2016 Effect of ground configuration on the aerodynamic forces and moments of a train with open underbody. Proceedins of the 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications; 1-10. RA Mecc
  • Cheli, F., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Tomasini, G.. 2016 Neural network algorithm for evaluating wind velocity from pressure measurements performed on a train's surface.  PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART F, JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT; vol. 230, 961-970. RB Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Diana, G., Muggiasca, S., Rocchi, D.. 2016 Wind induced vibrations on a pedestrian arch bridge: wind tunnel tests on rigid and sectional models. IN-VENTO XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering; 133-134. RA Mecc
  • Zasso, A., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., Giappino, S., Costantini, T.. 2016 Experimental and numerical aerodynamic analysis of a concrete railway bridge in tandem arrangement with a truss road bridge.  8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications; 1-9. RA Mecc
  • Rocchi, D, Tomasini, G., Somaschini, C., Giappino, S.. 2016 Underbody blockage effect on the aerodynamic coefficients of train vehicles.  Second International Conference in Numerical and Experimental Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles and Trains (AEROVEHICLES 2); 1-4. RA Mecc
  • Amerio, L., Argentini, T., Bernini, L., Rocchi, D., Rosa, L.. 2016 Wind loads on small scale facade louvers: comparison of fiber Bragg grating sensors and differential pressure measurements. IN-VENTO 2016, XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering; 78-79. RB Mecc
  • Premoli, A., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Tomasini, G.. 2016 Comparison between steady and moving railway vehicles subjected to crosswind by CFD analysis. JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS; vol. 156, 29-40. RB Mecc
  • Rocchi, D.; Argentini, T.; Allsop, A.; Amerio, L.; Bernini, L.; Racco, S..2016 Multi-scale methodology to assess wind loads on building louvers. 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications; 1-10. RA Mecc
  • Argentini, T., Diana, G., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., Rocchi, D., Cosentino, N., Majowiecki, M..  2016 Wind effects on a pedestrian arch bridge with complex shape. 19th IABSE Congress Report: Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment; 1144-1151. RA Mecc
  • Zasso, Alberto; Belloli, M.; Argentini, T.; Flamand, O.; Knapp, G.; Grillaud, G.; Klein, J. -F.; Virlogeux, M.; de Ville, V..2016 Third Bosporus Bridge Aerodynamics: Sectional and Full-Aeroelastic Model Testing. DEVELOPMENTS IN INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE ENGINEERING, Selected Papers from Istanbul Bridge Conference; vol. 2014, 135-145. Mecc
  • Belloli, M.; Diana, G.; Giappino, S.; Rosa, L.; Muggiasca, S.. 2016 Wind-induced vibrations on non-circular section cables: application to a new Large Observation Wheel. IN-VENTO 2016, XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineerin; 152-153. Mecc
  • Belloli, Marco; Giappino, Stefano; Robustelli, Fabio; Somaschini, Claudio. 2016 Drafting Effect in Cycling: Investigation by Wind Tunnel Tests  Procedia Engineering; 38-43. Mecc
  • Muggiasca, S.; Bayati, I.; Belloli, M.; Schito, P.; Vandone, A.; Campanardi, G.. 2016 Aerodynamics of sailing yacht: full scale and wind tunnel tests;  IN-VENTO 2016, XIV Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineerin; 80-81. Mecc.
  • Zasso, A.; Belloli, M.; Muggiasca, S.; Rosa, L.. 2016 Adding aerodynamic damping: the wing design for the Third Bosphorus Bridge;  Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications; 1-8. Mecc.
  • Belloli, M.; Muggiasca, S.; Rosa, L.; Zasso, A.. 2016 Experimental study on the aerodynamic behavior of a circular cylinder with perforated shrouding; Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications; 1-9. Mecc.
  • Di Gialleonardo, E.; Melzi, S.; Resta, F.; Tomasini, G.. 2016 A study of the influence of aerodynamic loads on the forces exchanged in a twistlock corner casting connection of flat-wagons; CIVIL-COMP PROCEEDINGS; vol. 110, 1-13. PRIN Mecc.
  • Tomasini, G., Giappino, S., Cheli, F., Schito, P.. 2016 Windbreaks for railway lines: Wind tunnel experimental tests. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART F, JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT; 230,1270-1282. RB Mecc
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., Omarini, S.. 2017 Flutter derivatives identification on a very large scale aeroelastic deck model. Proc. of the 39th IABSE Symposium – Engineering the Future; 1997-2005. RB Mecc
  • Zasso, A., Argentini, T., Bayati, I., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D.. 2017 Super-long bridges with floating towers: The role of multi-box decks and Hardware-In-the-Loop technology for wind tunnel tests. IOP Conference : Materials Science and Engineering; 276, 1-12. RB Mecc
  • Quattromani, G., Rocchi, D., Sabbioni, E., Salati, L., Schito, P.. 2017 A force-distribution approach to simulate the aerodynamic loads acting on a vehicle passing by a bridge tower: comparison with CFD simulations. Proc of the 25th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks (IAVSD); 1, 23-29. RB Mecc
  • Amerio, L., Argentini, T., Rocchi, D., Zasso, A.. 2017 Experimental and numerical aerodynamic optimization of a post-tensioned concrete railway bridge in tandem arrangement with a truss road bridge. 7th European-African Conference on Wind Engineering; 1-8.  RA Mecc
  • Bayati, I.; Belloli, M.; Bernini, L.; Zasso, A.. 2017 Wind Tunnel Wake Measurements of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines. Energy Procedia; 137, 214-222. Mecc
  • Bayati, Ilmas; Belloli, Marco; Bernini, Luca; Zasso, Alberto. 2017 A formulation for the unsteady aerodynamics of floating wind turbines, with focus on the global system dynamics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, 10 1-8. Mecc
  • Bayati, Ilmas; Belloli, Marco; Facchinetti, Alan. 2017 Wind tunnel 2-DOF hybrid/HIL tests on the OC5 floating offshore wind turbine,  Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. 10, 1-8. Mecc
  • Bayati, Ilmas; Belloli, Marco; Facchinetti, Alan; Giberti, Hermes. 2017 A 6DOF/Hil setup for wind tunnel hybrid tests on a 1/75 scale model of a 10 MW floating wind turbine. AIMETA 2017 - Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 4, 611-624. Mecc
  • Luca, Amerio; Tommaso, Argentini; Luca, Bernini; Federico, Perotti; Alberto, Zasso; 2017. Experimental wind tunnel tests and numerical analysis of the aerodynamic behaviour of a high tapered obelisk. Proceedings of the 7th European African Conference on Wind Engineering 166 1-8 Mecc
  • Amerio, L.; Argentini, T.; Bernini, L.; Perotti, F.; Zasso, A.,2017. Wind induced vibrations of a high tapered obelisk: Wind tunnel tests, numerical analysis and design of countermeasures. X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN, 199 3091-3096, Mecc.
  • Bayati, I.; Bernini, L.; Zanotti, A.; Belloli, M.; Zasso, A.,2018. Experimental Investigation of the Unsteady Aerodynamics of Fowt Through Piv and Hot-Wire Wake Measurements. The Science of Making Torque from Wind, TORQUE, 1037, 1-11. EU Mecc/Dast.
  • Carnevale, M., Facchinetti, A., Rocchi, D.,2018. Procedure to assess the role of railway pantograph components in generating the aerodynamic uplift. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics, 160; 16-29. RB Mecc
  • Bayati, I.; Belloli, M.; Bernini, L.; Boldrin, D. M.; Boorsma, K.; Caboni, M.; Cormier, M.; Mikkelsen, R.; Lutz, T.; Zasso, A., 2018. UNAFLOW project: UNsteady Aerodynamics of FLOating Wind turbines. Journal of Phisics. Conference series, 1037,7 1-11
  • Cinquemani, S., Diana, G., Fossati, L., Ripamonti, F., 2016.  A smart structure for wind tunnel investigation of a bridge deck's vortex-induced torsional motion. Mechatronics, 33, 108-120.
  • Pagani, A. (supervisor Zasso, A.), 2014. Numerical and experimental analysis of uncertainties effects on non-conventional flutter instability of super-long suspended bridge. Politecnico di Milano, PhD Thesis.
  • Mainetti, G. (supervisor Fossati, F.), 2015. Study and metrological characterization of stereoscopic systems. Politecnico di Milano, PhD Thesis.
  • Vandone, A. (supervisor Sala, R.), 2016. Measurement and analysis of free-form objects. Development of a solution for flyng sail shape reconstruction. Politecnico di Milano, PhD Thesis.
  • Robustelli, F. (supervisor Belloli, M.), 2016. Super & Mega Yacht's Aerodynamic, on-board comfort and pollutant dispersion assessment methods: wind tunnel and open-source numerical design tool. Politecnico di Milano, PhD Thesis.
  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D., 2005. An experimental and numerical approach to consider vortex induced vibrations in brige aerodynamics. EACWE 2005 - 4th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, 1-8.
  • Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., 2006. On the pressure and force field on a circular cylinder oscillating in the lock- In region at sub-critical reynolds number. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP, 1-8.
  • Fossati, F., Martina, F., Rocchi, D., Sala, R., Basso, A., 2008. A multicamera displacement measuring system for boundary layer wind tunnel tests. Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, VIIP 2008, 1-8.
  • Zasso, A., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., 2009. Experimental and numerical study of the flow around a low rise building (CC). 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings, 1-9.
  • Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Muggiasca, S., 2009. Wind tunnel study on the Pescara footbridge.  5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings, 1-7.
  • Muggiasca, S., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D., Zasso, A., 2009. Numerical and experimental investigation on a maritime radar scanner.  WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 313-322.
  • Malavasi, S., Corretto, R., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., 2009. Wake visualization and pressure field analysis on an oscillating cylinder. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings, 1-11.
  • Fossati, F., Sala, R., Basso, A., Galimberti, M., Rocchi, D., 2009. A multicamera displacement measurement system for wind engineering testing. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings, 1-10.
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Sabbioni, E., Giappino, S., Collina, A., 2009. Wind tunnel tests on the roof of the new Turin stadium. 5th European and African Conference on Wind Engineering, EACWE 5, Proceedings, 1-8.
  • Gibertini, G., Soldati, A., Campolo, M., Andreoli, M., Moretti, G., 2010. Aerodynamic analysis of a two-man bobsleigh. IFMBE Proceedings, 228-231.
  • Gibertini, G., Grassi, D., Scarpellini, N., Spreafico, D., Trovato, D., 2010. Wind tunnel tests of speed-skier. IFMBE Proceedings, 224-227.
  • Gibertini, G., Campanardi, G., Guercilena, L., MacChi, C., 2010. Cycling aerodynamics: Wind tunnel testing versus track testing. IFMBE Proceedings, 10-13.
  • Diana, G., Belloli, M., Manenti, A., Muggiasca, S., Guglielmini, S., Bousseau, P., 2010. Impact of turbulence on vortex induced vibrations and fatigue of conductors: Modelling and real span experimentation. 43rd International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems 2010, CIGRE 2010, 1-11.
  • Battisti, L., Zanne, L., Dell'Anna, S., Dossena, V., Paradiso, B., Persico, G., 2010. Aerodynamic measurements on a vertical axis wind turbine in a large scale wind tunnel. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 1-10.
  • Premoli, A. (supervisor Rocchi, D.), 2015. Virtual homologation of high-speed train aerodynamics: experimental and numerical studies. Politecnico di Milano, PhD Thesis.
  • Droandi, G., Gibertini, G., Biava, M., 2012. Wing-rotor aerodynamic interaction in tiltrotor aircraft. 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012, 1188-1199.
  • Bottasso, C.L., Campagnolo, F., Croce, A., 2012. Multi-disciplinary constrained optimization of wind turbines. Multibody System Dynamics, 27, 21-53.
  • Biava, M., Campanardi, G., Gibertini, G., Grassi, D., Vigevano, L., Zanotti, A., 2012. Wind tunnel open section characterization for rotorcraft tests. 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012, 625-637.
  • Fossati, F., Robustelli, F., Belloli, M., Bertorello, C., Dellepiane, S., 2013. Experimental assessment of mega-yacht aerodynamic performances and characteristics. RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Design and Construction of Super and Mega Yachts, 1-9.
  • Cazzulani, G., Balduzzi, T., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D., 2013. Active damping for wind-tunnel aeroelastic models of large civil structures. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1-7.
  • Belloli, M., Khazem, D., Rosa, L., Zasso, A., 2013. Wind tunnel study on the towers of the First Bosphorus Bridge. 12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering 2013, ACWE 2013: Wind Effects on Structures, Communities, and Energy Generation, 1-9.
  • Belloli, M., Fossati, F., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., 2013. Vortex induced vibrations of a bridge deck: Dynamic response and surface pressure distribution. 12th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering 2013, ACWE 2013: Wind Effects on Structures, Communities, and Energy Generation, 1-9.
  • Bayati, I., Belloli, M., Facchinetti, A., 2013. Wind tunnel tests on floating offshore wind turbines: A proposal for hardware-in-the-loop approach. European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, EWEC 2013, 1-8.
  • Gibertini, G., Clavel, C., Grassi, D., Parolini, N., Zagaglia, D., Zanotti, A., 2014. An Experimental Set up for the Study of Helicopter and Building Aerodynamic Interaction. 40th European Rotorcraft Forum 2014, ERF 2014, 881-891.
  • Droandi, G., Zanotti, A., Gibertini, G., Campanardi, G., Grassi, D., 2014. Experimental investigation on a 1/4 scaled model of an high-performance tiltwing aircraft in hover. Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International, 1211-1226.
  • Droandi, G., Gibertini, G., Grassi, D., Campanardi, G., Zanotti, A., 2014. Experimental Tests and CFD Simulations on a Tiltwing Aircraft in Hover. 40th European Rotorcraft Forum 2014, ERF 2014, 13-30.
  • Campagnolo, F., Bottasso, C.L., Bettini, P., 2014. Design, manufacturing and characterization of aero-elastically scaled wind turbine blades for testing active and passive load alleviation techniques within a ABL wind tunnel. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1-10.
  • Bottasso, C.L., Campagnolo, F., 2014. Wind turbine and wind farm control testing in a boundary layer wind tunnel. 32nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium, 558-569.
  • Bottasso C.L., Cacciola S., 2014. Estimation of Wind Turbine Model Properties - Towards the Validation of Comprehensive High-Fidelity Multibody Models. European Wind Energy Association Annual Event (EWEA 2014), 1-10.
  • Belloli, M., Cheli, F., Bayati, I., Giappino, S., Robustelli, F., 2014. Handbike aerodynamics: Wind tunnel versus track tests. Procedia Engineering, 72, 750-755.
  • Zanotti, A., Gibertini, G., Auteri, F., Campanardi, G., Droandi, G., Grassi, D., Crosta, G., 2015. Measurement of the Rotor Blade Section Aerodynamic Coefficients by Particle Image Velocimetry. 41st European Rotorcraft Forum 2015, ERF 2015, 1-9.
  • Peri, D., Parolini, N., Fossati, F., 2015. Multidisciplinary design optimization of a sailplan. MARINE 2015 - Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VI, 177-187.
  • Gibertini, G., Auteri, F., Colaiuda, L., Ermacora, M., Grassi, D., Zanotti, A., 2015. Optimized ERICA Engine Intake Wind Tunnel Test. 41st European Rotorcraft Forum 2015, ERF 2015, 1-8.
  • Gibertini, G., Auteri, F., Campanardi, G., Droandi, G., Grassi, D., Le Pape, A.,  Zanotti,A., 2015. A Test Rig to Assess the Effectiveness of Drag Reduction Devices on a Heavy-Class Helicopter. 41st European Rotorcraft Forum 2015, ERF 2015, 1-11.
  • Duff, S., Fossati, F., Claughton, A., Krzymowski, W., Anderson, T., 2015. The evolution of design: SALTS' new sail training schooner project. Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1-23.
  • Dossena, V., Persico, G., Paradiso, B., Battisti, L., Dell'Anna, S., Brighenti, A., Benini, E., 2015. An experimental study of the aerodynamics and performance of a vertical axis wind turbine in confined and non-confined environment. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 1-13.
  • Cheli, F., Mariano, L., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Tomasini, G., 2016. Evaluation of the cross wind velocity through pressure measurements on train surface. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 143-158.
  • Catanzaro, C., Cheli, F., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Tomasini, G., 2016. High-speed train crosswind analysis: CFD study and validation with wind-tunnel tests. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 99-112.
  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D., 2004. Effects of the yaw angle on the aerodynamic behaviour of the Messina multi-box girder deck section. Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 7, 41-54.
  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D., 2004. Forced motion and free motion aeroelastic tests on a new concept dynamometric section model of the Messina suspension bridge. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 92, 441-462.
  • Diana, G., Resta, F., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D., 2006. On the vortex shedding forcing on suspension bridge deck. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 94, 341-363.
  • Bocciolone, M., Resta, F., Rocchi, D., Tosi, A., Collina, A., 2006. Pantograph aerodynamic effects on the pantograph-catenary interaction. Vehicle System Dynamics, 44, 560-570.
  • Zasso, A., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., 2008. Pressure field analysis on oscillating circular cylinder. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24, 628-650.
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., Muggiasca, S., 2010. Aerodynamic instability of a bridge deck section model: Linear and nonlinear approach to force modeling. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 98, 363-374.
  • Cheli, F., Ripamonti, F., Rocchi, D., Tomasini, G., 2010. Aerodynamic behaviour investigation of the new EMUV250 train to cross wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 98, 189-201.
  • Cheli, F., Corradi, R., Rocchi, D., Tomasini, G., Maestrini, E., 2010. Wind tunnel tests on train scale models to investigate the effect of infrastructure scenario. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 98, 353-362.
  • Belloli, M., Melzi, S., Negrini, S., Squicciarini, G., 2010. Numerical analysis of the dynamic response of a 5-conductor expanded bundle subjected to turbulent wind. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 25, 3105-3112.
  • Gibertini, G., Auteri, F., Campanardi, G., Macchi, C., Zanotti, A., Stabellini, A., 2011. Wind-tunnel tests of a tilt-rotor aircraft. Aeronautical Journal, 115, 315-322.
  • Belloli, M., Fossati, F., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., Villani, M., 2011. On the aerodynamic and aeroelastic response of a bridge tower. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99, 729-733.
  • Battisti, L., Zanne, L., Dell'Anna, S., Dossena, V., Persico, G., Paradiso, B., 2011. Aerodynamic measurements on a vertical axis wind turbine in a large scale wind tunnel. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 133, 031201-1-031201-9.
  • Argentini, T., Ozkan, E., Rocchi, D., Rosa, L., Zasso, A., 2011. Cross-wind effects on a vehicle crossing the wake of a bridge pylon. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99, 734-740.
  • Rocchi, D., Rosa, L., Sabbioni, E., Sbrosi, M., Belloli, M., 2012. A numerical-experimental methodology for simulating the aerodynamic forces acting on a moving vehicle passing through the wake of a bridge tower under cross wind. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 104-106, 256-265.
  • Dorigatti, F., Sterling, M., Rocchi, D., Belloli, M., Quinn, A.D., Baker, C.J., Ozkan, E., 2012. Wind tunnel measurements of crosswind loads on high sided vehicles over long span bridges. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 107-108, 214-224.
  • Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., Zasso, A., 2012. Force and wake analysis on a single circular cylinder subjected to vortex induced vibrations at high mass ratio and high Reynolds number. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 103, 96-106.
  • Argentini, T., Rocchi, D., Muggiasca, S., Zasso, A., 2012. Cross-sectional distributions versus integrated coefficients of flutter derivatives and aerodynamic admittances identified with surface pressure measurement. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 104-106, 152-158.
  • Diana, G., Yamasaki, Y., Larsen, A., Rocchi, D., Giappino, S., Argentini, T., Pagani, A., Villani, M., Somaschini, C., Portentoso, M., 2013. Construction stages of the long span suspension Izmit Bay Bridge: Wind tunnel test assessment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 123, 300-310.
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., 2013. An experimental validation of a band superposition model of the aerodynamic forces acting on multi-box deck sections. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 113, 40-58.
  • Diana, G., Fiammenghi, G., Belloli, M., Rocchi, D., 2013. Wind tunnel tests and numerical approach for long span bridges: The Messina bridge. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 122, 38-49.
  • Bayati, I., Belloli, M., Facchinetti, A., Giappino, S., 2013. Wind tunnel tests on floating offshore wind turbines: A proposal for hardware-in-the-loop approach to validate numerical codes. Wind Engineering, 37, 557-568.
  • Rocchi, D., Argentini, T., Sbrosi, M., 2014. Pressure distribution and global forces on a bridge deck section: Experimental and CFD analysis of static aerodynamic forces. Journal of Bridge Engineering, online, 04014097-04014097.
  • Diana, G., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Manenti, A., Mazzola, L., Muggiasca, S., Zuin, A., 2014. Wind tunnel tests on two cylinders to measure subspan oscillation aerodynamic forces. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29, 1273-1283.
  • Diana, G., Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Manenti, A., Mazzola, L., Muggiasca, S., Zuin, A., 2014. A numerical approach to reproduce subspan oscillations and comparison with experimental data. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 29, 1311-1317.
  • Bottasso, C.L., Riboldi, C.E.D., 2014. Estimation of wind misalignment and vertical shear from blade loads. Renewable Energy, 62, 293-302.
  • Bottasso, C.L., Campagnolo, F., Petrovic, V., 2014. Wind tunnel testing of scaled wind turbine models: Beyond aerodynamics. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 127, 11-28.
  • Bottasso C.L., Cacciola S., Iriarte X., 2014. Calibration of Wind Turbine Lifting Line Models from Rotor Loads. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 124, 29-45.
  • Biava, M., Vigevano, L., 2014. Computational assessment of wind tunnel flow in closed and open section model rotor tests. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 59, 1-17.
  • Belloli, M., Rosa, L., Zasso, A., 2014. Wind loads on a high slender tower: Numerical and experimental comparison. Engineering Structures, 68, 24-32.
  • Belloli, M., Rosa, L., Zasso, A., 2014. Wind loads and vortex shedding analysis on the effects of the porosity on a high slender tower. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 126, 75-86.
  • Belloli, M., Fossati, F., Giappino, S., Muggiasca, S., 2014. Vortex induced vibrations of a bridge deck: Dynamic response and surface pressure distribution. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 133, 160-168.
  • Premoli, A., Rocchi, D., Schito, P., Somaschini, C., Tomasini, G., 2015. Ballast flight under high-speed trains: Wind tunnel full-scale experimental tests. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 145, 351-361.
  • Argentini, T., Rocchi, D., Zasso, A., 2015. Aerodynamic interference and vortex-induced vibrations on parallel bridges: The Ewijk bridge during different stages of refurbishment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 147, 276-282.
  • Belloli, M., Giappino, S., Morganti, S., Muggiasca, S., Zasso, A., 2015. Vortex induced vibrations at high Reynolds numbers on circular cylinders. Ocean Engineering, 94, 140-154.
  • Diana, G., Rocchi, D., Belloli, M., 2015. Wind tunnel: a fundamental tool for long-span bridge design. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11, 533-555.
  • Dossena, V., Persico, G., Paradiso, B., Battisti, L., Dell'Anna, S., Brighenti, A., Benini, E., 2015. An experimental study of the aerodynamics and performance of a vertical axis wind turbine in a confined and unconfined environment. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME, 137, 1-12.
  • Droandi, G., Gibertini, G., 2015. Aerodynamic Optimization of a Proprotor and Its Validation by Means of CFD and Experiments. Aeronautical Journal, 119, 1223-1251.
  • Droandi, G., Zanotti, A., Gibertini, G., 2015. Aerodynamic Interaction between Rotor and Tilting Wing in Hovering Flight Condition. Journal of American Helicopter Society, 60, 1-20.
  • Droandi, G., Zanotti, A., Gibertini, G., Grassi, D., Campanardi, G., 2015.  Experimental investigation of the rotor-wing aerodynamic interaction in a tiltwing aircraft in hover. Aeronautical Journal, 119, 591-612.
  • Gibertini, G., Boniface, J.C., Zanotti, A., Droandi, G., Auteri, F., Gaveriaux, R., Le Pape, A., 2015. Helicopter drag reduction by vortex generators. Aerospace Science and Technology, 47, 324-339.
  • Gibertini, G., Grassi, D., Parolini, C., Zagaglia, D., Zanotti, A., 2015. Experimental investigation on the aerodynamic interaction between a helicopter and ground obstacles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 229, 1395-1406.